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Audrey May Herron Missing Person News and Details

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Audrey May Herron Went Missing In Catskill New York in August 2002

Facial/case ID


Facial/case ID

Actual photo


Last seen alive: August 29, 2002

Circumstances: Audrey worked the 3:00-11:00pm shift at Columbia Greene Long Term Health Care Facility, Catskill, NY. She worked there part time. Her co-workers stated they saw her leave in her vehicle at 11pm, but she never arrived at home. Her vehicle is also missing and described as a black 1994 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo with NY Lic# X233UV. She drove west on State Route 23 toward her home in Freehold, NY. This is about a 30 minute drive. That night, 8/29/2002, it was raining and foggy.
First Name: Audrey May
Middle Name: May
Last Name: Herron


Age When Last Known Alive: 31
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Female
Height: 60.0
Weight: 105.0


City: Catskill
State: New York
Zip: 12414
County: Greene


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Dark blonde to light brown.
Eye: Hazel
Scars And Marks: Mole on inside of right knee.
Scar on right hand that covers part of the hand.

Other Distinctive: Discoloration - face

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Blue turtleneck shirt, dark green nurse scrubs
Footwear: white athletic shoes, size 6
Jewelry: Gold wedding band, yellow gold necklace with '#1 Mom' pendant, watch with a white leather band and white metal face
Eyewear: eyeglasses with brown wire frames
Accessories: brown clutch purse


Vehicle Make: Jeep
Vehicle Model: Grand Cherokee
Year: 1994
Style: SUV
Vehicle Color: Black
Tag Type: Passenger autom
Tag Number: X233UV
Tag State: New York
1994 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo with NY Lic#

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