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James Brian Nelson Went Missing In Minturn Colorado in October 2010

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Last seen alive: October 03, 2010

Circumstances: 31 year old white male from Chicago, Ilinois left Oct. 3, 2010 from Fall Creek Trailhead around 12:30 pm for a 5 day 25 mile solo backpacking trip of the Holy Cross Wilderness. He was suppose to be back at Half Moon Pass trailhead on Oct. 8, 2010 at noon. His fiance and friends waited 7 hours for his return even hiking part of the trail before reporting to the authorities in Eagle County that he was overdue. On Oct. 9, 2010 when he had not returned by 0700 Vail Mountain Resuce launched a search and rescue mission.
The search and rescue consited of volunteers from Larimer and Summit County on foot and with dogs, national guard helicoptors, black hawk helicopters, and night vision helicoptors. After over 1000 man hours and covering James' outlined trail plus other areas with finding no trace or clue, the search was called off on Oct. 12, 2010. A training mission of close to 50 SAR volunteers and two dog teams was conducted on Oct. 16, 2010. Hits from the dogs were gotten on Fall Creek trail and Lake Constantine. Search of the Lake Constantine area yielded no clues or findings. No further searches/training missions were able to be conducted in 2010 due to winter setting in in the mountains and much snow. No official searches by SAR are planed for 2011 due to no physical clues found on the initial search.

First Name: James Brian
Middle Name: Brian
Last Name: Nelson


Age When Last Known Alive: 31
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 64.0 to
Weight: 200.0 to


City: Minturn
State: Colorado
Zip: 81657
County: Eagle


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Brown short, generally shaved head
Body Hair: Small amount on chest
Facial Hair: Small amount on chest
Eye: Green
Scars And Marks: Scar on left knee(?) from 2.5 inch wooden splinter
Birthmark Left side of abdomen. Red hemorragic area 'strawberry' when born that disappeared in later years leaving an area that appears whiter than rest of skin area.

Other Distinctive: Beer Belly overhang

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Left the trailhead on Oct. 3 wearing a marmont orange long sleeved shirt and grey or kaki long pants. Carrying a 40 to 50 pound backpacking pack with bright orange water camel, orange whistle, GPS, camera,and compass. Carrying blue trekking poles. Other clothing in pack consists of rust colored skull cap, silk and wool underware bottoms and tops, power stretch top, 1-fleece pant,1-hiking pant, wool hiking socks, 1-balaclava, liner gloves, wool gloves, and black heavy coat.
Footwear: Hiking boots possibly Asolo Sassling Gore-tex backpacking boots
Jewelry: none
Eyewear: Prescription wire rim Sunglasses, wire rim regular glasses. Can not see well without glasses.
Accessories: Possible wristwatch; whistle, compass, Garmin GPS, tarpin rainbow one man tent, gas stove, matches, water filter equipment, sleeping bag to 15 degrees


Does not own a vehicle
Airline: Flew to Denver via United Airlines Oct. 2, 2010

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