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Lemuel Maurice Gardner Missing Person News and Details

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Lemuel Maurice Gardner Went Missing In Pittsburgh Pennsylvania in May 2010


Last seen alive: May 22, 2010

Circumstances: Lemuel admittedly suffered from depression. He lost employment at CVS in Ohio, where he had been living with his father. He returned to Pittsburgh in December of 2009, to live at the Collins Ave address with his mother and his 2 sisters. At the time he came to the residence, his appearance was unkempt, having tattered clothing, and matted style hair and beard. He appeared as if he was homeless. He cleaned himself up, and actively sought employment. He was unsuccessful in finding work that suited his preference. His family stated that he slipped back into a depressed mood, and again took on the matted dreadlock style hair. He was last seen at home by his mother, on March 22, 2010 at 0500 hrs. On March 26, 2010, at an undocumented time, he called his mother's voice mail and left a message saying he was 'Going away for a while.' He apparently left the residence on March 22, 2010 in his 1995 dark green Subaru OUTBACK. He has not been seen or heard from since the March 26, 2010 phone message.
On 9-1-2010, during subsequent investigation, detectives contacted OHIO State DMV and verified that a 1995 Subaru OUTBACK was registered to Lemuel Gardner at a residence located at 1804 Hayden Avenue, 2nd floor, East Clevelnad, OH. East Cleveland Police were contacted and sent to the address to check for Lemuel, but the female living at the address had no knowledge of Gardner.

First Name: Lemuel Maurice
Middle Name: Maurice
Last Name: Gardner


Age When Last Known Alive: 31
Race: Black/African Americ
Sex: Male
Height: 72.0 to
Weight: 175.0 to


City: Pittsburgh
State: Pennsylvania
Zip: 15206
County: Allegheny


Hair: Black
Head Hair: Last known to be dreadlock style, matted in appearance.
Eye: Brown

Clothing and Accessories

Eyewear: Did not wear glasses


Vehicle Make: Subaru
Vehicle Model: Outback
Year: 1995
Vehicle Color: Dark green
OHIO DMV showed the vehicle registered to Lemuel Gardnerat 1804 Hayden Avenue, 2nd floor, East Cleveland Ohio, but showed no registration plate listed.

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