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Ryan Spencer Mann Missing Person News and Details

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Ryan Spencer Mann Went Missing In Shafter California in March 2011

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: March 21, 2011

Circumstances: He was depressed & cutting his arm, We (his parents) took him to a mental health facility Sat. 3-5-11. They counseled him, gave him meds for anxiety & released him. He drove our car Mon. 3-7-11 to check on jobs & return shortly but did not return. We called missing persons the next day & found he had been in an accident & arrested DUI. He tried to commit suicide in jail & was sent to the county hospital. He was sent home from the hospital Tues.3-15-11 with us waiting for charges to be filed. he tried to walk 'north' Sat. 3-19-11. He was anxious & would not come home, we called 911 & the officer talked him into going home. His older brother took him to his home in San Luis Obispo, CA. to keep him busy, Ryan was excited to go. He told his brother he had taken LSD a couple of weeks before. Ryan left early in the morning 3/21/11 in his brother's car. He did not take any possessions or wallet or money with him, only the clothes he wore & cell phone but no charger for phone. Possible 3/4 tank of gas in the car.
First Name: Ryan Spencer
Middle Name: Spencer
Last Name: Mann


Age When Last Known Alive: 19
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 71.0 to
Weight: 180.0 to


City: Shafter
State: California
Zip: 93263
County: Kern


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Short
Body Hair: light
Facial Hair: light
Eye: Blue

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Jeans
Footwear: hiking shoes
Jewelry: none
Eyewear: none


Vehicle Make: Honda
Vehicle Model: Civic, Civic De
Year: 2002
Style: Sedan
Vehicle Color: Aluminum/Silver
Tag Number: 4XEE736
Tag State: California
White bumper sticker with green font, driver side rear bumper.

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