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Glinver Keith Osborne Missing Person News and Details

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Glinver Keith Osborne Went Missing In Virgie Kentucky in March 2006

Facial/case ID
Public viewable

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: March 02, 2006

Circumstances: Glen Osborne was last seen in the Weddington Plaza in Coal Run in Pike County Kentucky on March 2, 2006. He was reported missing on March 5, 2006. Glen's Ford truck was found abandoned in the Weddington Square Shopping Center parking lot in Coal Run on March 6, 2006. One of his friends claims he picked Osborne up there.
Witness interviews can account for his activities up to his last known whereabouts in the plazabut his activities after this sighting are unknown.

According to family members Glen is a person who doesn't “take off” without telling someone where he is going. He had moved back to Kentucky from Detroit about 10 years previously and none of his acquaintances in Michigan have had any contact with him. Glen's daughter stated that her father called her sometime after 11 a.m. and told her that he withdrew money from his bank and was going to make a bid on a piece of property at Johns Creek. He had a $20000 cashier's check with him and he probably withdrew a substantial amount of money from his bank account.
Although Glen is a diabetic foul play has not been ruled out in his disappearance

First Name: Glinver Keith
Middle Name: Keith
Last Name: Osborne


Age When Last Known Alive: 67
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 67.0 to
Weight: 225.0


City: Virgie
State: Kentucky
County: Pike


Hair: Gray or Partially Gray
Eye: Blue
Scars And Marks: scar on abdomen

Clothing and Accessories


His ford truck was located on March 6th, 2006 at the same location of his disappearance.

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