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Eulan Ray Hodgkinson Jr. Missing Person News and Details

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Eulan Ray Hodgkinson Jr. Went Missing In Pinehurst Texas in September 1988

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: September 11, 1988

Circumstances: Hodgkinson was last seen at his mother's house in the 3800 block of Pheasant Street on September 11, 1988. Hodgkinson was a welder, had came in that afternoon to shower, then headed out to pick up a part for a grinder that needed to be painted. His mother knew he was planning to come back soon, because he left his welding equipment out, something he never did for long periods of time. Hodgkinson told her not to worry about making him anything for supper, because he would eat while he was out.

According to reports, Hodgkinson left his mother's Pinehurst home to visit with his employer and give him the status on a welding job in progress. He disappeared after leaving his boss' home.
His vehicle, a 1988 Dodge Dakota pickup truck, was found abandoned two days later on a dead-end dirt road in a wooded area off of FM 1130, on an old oil field road that led to a soybean field in rural Orange County. The vehicle was locked and the keys were missing. A camera, semiautomatic rifle, a military style rifle (AR15), and a large stereo player were missing from the truck. His jack had been taken out of the cab and thrown in the back of the truck. The truck and its tires were new, and there was no reason for him to have the tire jack out.

Four days later, his father walked into the Pinehurst Police Department to report that his son was missing. Intensive searches were conducted by police, deputies, friends, families and civic organizations. Foul play is possible.

First Name: Eulan Ray
Middle Name: Ray
Last Name: Hodgkinson Jr.


Age When Last Known Alive: 31
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 74.0 to
Weight: 190.0 to


City: Pinehurst
State: Texas
County: Orange


Hair: Black
Eye: Brown

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: A long-sleeved blue shirt with white stripes, dark trousers
Footwear: black shoes


Vehicle Make: Dodge
Vehicle Model: Dakota
Year: 1988
Style: Pickup
Vehicle Color: Black

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