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Joseph Thomas Rodziewicz Jr. Went Missing In Methuen Massachusetts in May 1989

Facial/case ID
Public viewable

Public viewable
Lower left arm extending down to hand: Cross, below that JOE followed by 'F.T.W.' and then DFFL in a descending pattern down to hand--Other tattoos on inner aspect of lower left arm but not visible here and unknown

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: May 01, 1989

Circumstances: He was last seen by his sister, Heather, in Newburyport, Massachusetts in May 1989 when he left her to go to the Methuen/Lawrence Massachusetts area to visit a girlfriend at that time. He worked for either a private or municipal sanitation company when he was in Newburyport, MA and may have worked for moving companies such as Mayflower. He had some known association with bikers and wore clothes similar to that style. There were possible phone calls that he made to family members up until 1995, with one call saying he was hospitalized in a Massachusetts or Connecticut hospital with a slashed throat and another was a collect call he made to his sister saying he was in Chicago and homeless but when that bill came in, it showed the call had been made from Connecticut. He was known to be in Illinois (1984), Colorado (1987), Connecticut and Massachusetts (1989)
First Name: Joseph Thomas
Middle Name: Thomas
Last Name: Rodziewicz Jr.


Age When Last Known Alive: 32
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 70.0 to
Weight: 240.0 to


City: Methuen
State: Massachusetts
Zip: 01844
County: Essex


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Wore hair long--around 5 inches and had a wave to it or slight curl--hair could be thinning on top or gray by now
Body Hair: Minimal
Facial Hair: Minimal
Eye: Hazel
Scars And Marks: Umbilicus scarred over (belly button sewn shut from surgery when a baby)
Possible throat scar. Joseph had called a family member sometime after May 1989 to say he was hospitalized in Connecticut or Massachusetts as a result of a throat slashing but we are unable as of now to establish when or in what state that actually occurred or under what circumstances.

Tattoos: Multiple homemade tattoos over body but the following are known:
Left lower arm (see images) known to have a cross with JOE below it and 'F.T.W.' below that and then followed by DFFL in descending letters below that extending down to hand
On lower fingers of one hand had F-U-C-K and either L-O-V-E OR H-A-T-E on the other hand: one letter per finger.
He also had tattoos on the inner aspect of left arm but they are unknown as well as multiple other homemade tattos on right arm and on chest as well--women's names of possibly Kathy and Sally

Piercings: Left ear piereced but torn or notched from having an earring pulled out
Other Distinctive: Needed eyeglasses to see--wore strong eyeglass prescription since a child--voice raspy at times especially if drinking

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Liked to wear jeans, T-shirts, and vests and if he wore a hat, it was one with a brim and of the type pictured in photo
Footwear: Wore workboots or cowboy type boots approximately size 12
Jewelry: Last known to be wearing a gold chain necklace as seen in picture
Eyewear: Strong prescription: Aviator gold wire framed glasses
Accessories: Used a chain to secure his wallet to pocket and could be carrying a rosary and or pocketknife


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