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Oscar James Nedd Went Missing In White Plains New York in January 1975

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: January 07, 1975

Circumstances: In December 1974, he received a call from a nephew who was in town and needed a place to stay. Nedd had no idea that the nephew had escaped from a jail in Georgia days earlier. His sister last spoke to Nedd on January 1, 1975, and told him that the nephew had shot someone in Georgia. Oscar was stunned and upset. His sister never heard from him again. When a week went by with no word from Oscar, relatives reported him missing.
Police found no sign of either man, just blood splattered across the room and a witness who claimed, in a sworn statement, that he had seen the nephew struggling to carry a large rug that appeared to contain a body down a staircase, then put the rug in a car trunk and drive off.
On February 14, 1975, the White Plains Police Department received a call from the authorities in Las Cruces, New Mexico, saying they had arrested the nephew in a string of armed robberies there and in Arizona. When he was arrested, documents show, the nephew identified himself as Oscar Nedd and was driving Mr. Nedd's 1972 Dodge. He later claimed that he and Mr. Nedd drove to California for a vacation in January 1975 and that he left Mr. Nedd there. He said he never saw him again and has no idea what happened to him. Nor did he know why there were blood stains in Mr. Nedd's room or why a neighbor claimed to have seen him removing a body.
Oscar's body has never been found. He was declared legally dead in 2005.

First Name: Oscar James
Middle Name: James
Last Name: Nedd


Age When Last Known Alive: 24
Race: Black/African Americ
Sex: Male
Height: 62.0
Weight: 140.0


City: White Plains
State: New York
County: Westchester


Hair: Black
Eye: Brown

Clothing and Accessories


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