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Elisabeth Martinson Missing Person News and Details

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Elisabeth Martinson Went Missing In Kentfield California in January 1982

Facial/case ID
Public viewable

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: January 28, 1982

Circumstances: Elisabeth Martinson, a foreign exchange student living in Kentfield California, went missing on 01/17/1982. She was last seen shopping at a shoe store in Larkspur Landing, California. Her vehicle, a yellow VW Rabbit was reported stolen and was later recovered in Oklahoma on 01/27/1982.
First Name: Elisabeth
Last Name: Martinson


Age When Last Known Alive: 22
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Female
Height: 63.0 to
Weight: 125.0


City: Kentfield
State: California
Zip: 94904
County: Marin


Hair: Blond/Strawberry
Head Hair: Short straight hair
Eye: Blue
Scars And Marks: Wart underside of one foot (unknown which one), but victim had complained it was bothering her.
Piercings: ears

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Blue jeans, unkown shirt, maroon corduroy jacket.
Footwear: blue loafers
Jewelry: Silver flower earings, thin silver necklace, silver thin watch with hand made silver armband that looks like 'Hammered silver'.
Eyewear: Contact lenses


Vehicle Make: Volkswagen
Vehicle Model: Rabbit
Year: 1979
Style: Hatchback
Vehicle Color: Yellow
Tag Type: Passenger autom
Tag State: California
Vehicle was reported stolen shortly after missing person case began and was recovered in Oklahoma ten days later.

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Recent Comments About This Profile
Eric: From which country came Miss Martinson from? She was a foreign Exchange student.
04 25, 2014 | 15:29
Fredde: From Sweden. Probably killed by Scarface.
07 30, 2014 | 16:25
Thomas: Rest in peace Elisabeth
05 16, 2015 | 03:29
Fred: Her remains have now been recovered and identified.
05 16, 2015 | 03:43
Swedish: She has been found and identified.
05 16, 2015 | 04:23
André: She has been identified with the remains of a female body found in a wood a few miles from San Francisco a few years ago.
05 16, 2015 | 06:35
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