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Cynthia Jane Anderson Missing Person News and Details

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Cynthia Jane Anderson Went Missing In Toledo Ohio in August 1981

Facial/case ID
Public viewable

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: August 04, 1981

Circumstances: Anderson was last seen on August 4, 1981 at the law office where she worked on East Manhattan Boulevard in Toledo, Ohio. Two of the lawyers arrived back at the office at noon after a meeting to find the door locked, the lights and radio were on and their desks prepared for the day. Anderson left her romance novel open on her desk to the only violent scene in the book, where the herione in abducted at knife point. There was no sign of her elsewhere in the building and no signs of struggle. Her purse and keys were missing, but her car was locked in the parking lot outside of the office. She always kept the doors to the office locked and a buzzer had been installed at her desk to alert the shop next door in case of trouble. This was due to strange and harassing phone calls she had been personally receiving.
First Name: Cynthia Jane
Middle Name: Jane
Last Name: Anderson


Age When Last Known Alive: 20
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 64.0
Weight: 115.0


City: Toledo
State: Ohio
County: Lucas


Hair: Brown
Eye: Brown
Scars And Marks: Chicken pox scar on forehead. A one-and-a-half inch scar on right knee shaped like a fishhook.

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: white V-neck dress with pink pinstripes and cinnamon-brown Leggs's pantyhose
Footwear: beige open-toed ankle-strap sandals


Her car was found in the parking lot outside of her office still locked.

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