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Roy Jacob Hagel Missing Person News and Details

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Roy Jacob Hagel Went Missing In Bismarck North Dakota in March 1989

Facial/case ID
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Last seen alive: March 06, 1989

Circumstances: Roy Hagel left Bismarck to attend a bowling tournament in Fargo ND Feruary 26, 1989. After the tounament he did not return to Bismarck. He visited an old girlfriend in Cedar Rapids IA during the last days of February 1989. He again called her March 6 1989 and sounded depressed and was hinting at suicide. He told her that he had been in 9 staes in as many days and was currently in Kingsman AZ and only had $200.00 left and his credit card had been denied. Hagel said he would return to Bismarck on 3-8-1989. Hagel's vehicle was located near the Death Valley National Monument parked off the road in a desolate area. Hagel keys and wallet were laying on the front seat. One set of tracks lead from the vehicle out into the desert. A baseball style cap was found a short ways from the vehicle and a long gun case was located further during the track. The tracks were followed approximately 6 miles into the desert and then lost.
First Name: Roy Jacob
Middle Name: Jacob
Last Name: Hagel


Age When Last Known Alive: 38
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 72.0 to
Weight: 170.0 to


City: Bismarck
State: North Dakota
Zip: 58501
County: Burleigh


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Dark Brown and wavy.
Eye: Brown
Scars And Marks: Scar right wrist. Scar left temple circular half dollar size.
Other Distinctive: Roy Hagel tanned very dark in the summer time and could be mistaken for someone of Hispanic decent.

Clothing and Accessories


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