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Kathleen Helen Randall Went Missing In Forest Park Georgia in October 1982

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: October 24, 1982

Circumstances: Randall had drug and alcohol problems in 1982 and led a transient lifestyle, hitchhiking around the United States. She lived in New York and Texas in the early 1980's. Randall called her mother at the latter's residence in Delray Beach, Florida on October 24, 1982. She said that she was traveling with a driver from Delco Trucking and was en route to visit her mother in Florida. Randall never contacted her mother again.
Randall's mother reported her daughter as a missing person to the Delray Beach Police Department in 1986, four years after she last spoke to Randall. Randall usually maintained regular contact with her mother. Randall did not have a mailing address due to her lifestyle at the time of her disappearance, so Delray Beach authorities have handled her case from the onset.

Her mother received a letter from a man in Forrest Park, Georgia in 1995, 13 years after Randall was last seen. The man stated that he was a friend of her daughter and he was attempting to return a scrapbook Randall left at his residence in 1982. Authorities spoke to the friend, who said that Randall stayed at his home in late October to early November 1982. Randall told the friend that she had been traveling with a driver from Anco Trucking from Flushing, New York. Randall claimed that she and the driver had an argument regarding her alcohol intake and parted ways in Forrest Park, Georgia in late October 1982. Randall was attempting to hitchhike to her mother's residence in Florida at that time.

Randall's friend stated that she lived in his home for approximately three weeks. He discovered that she left his residence sometime during November 1982. The friend's neighbor said that Randall requested a ride to Interstate 285 while her roommmate was out. She apparently wanted to continue her journey to Florida and told the neighbor she planned to hitchhike to Interstate 75, which runs through Florida. The neighbor told authorities that Randall carried several t-shirts and pairs of jeans with her in a nylon bag when he dropped her off on the highway.

First Name: Kathleen Helen
Middle Name: Helen
Last Name: Randall


Age When Last Known Alive: 24
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 63.0 to
Weight: 115.0 to


City: Forest Park
State: Georgia
County: Clayton


Hair: Blond/Strawberry
Head Hair: Strawberry blonde hair
Eye: Blue

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Six Flags Over Georgia t-shirt and carrying a nylon bag


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