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Ernest R Decker Missing Person News and Details

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Ernest R Decker Went Missing In Waynesburg Ohio in December 2006

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: December 13, 2006

Circumstances: Ernest 'Bob' Decker Jr. and his son, David, were last seen at Bob's home in Brown Township which is 10 miles south of Waynesburg, Ohio. They were last heard from when Bob called a friend and said he was going to get physical therapy for work-related rotator cuff injury. They were reported missing two days later. The day after they were reported missing, Bob's truck was found in a wooded area near the trailer park where he lived. The driver's side door was unlocked and keys in the ignition. Bob's blood was found on his eyeglasses in the truck. A person of interest in this case is Randy Kedigh, who had written Bob a bad check for rent. Witnesses saw Kedigh drive a red car like David's behind a shed, but did not report it for two years. On Sept. 1, 2008, parts from David's car were found in the shed.
First Name: Ernest R
Middle Name: R
Last Name: Decker


Age When Last Known Alive: 51
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 66.0
Weight: 190.0


City: Waynesburg
State: Ohio
Zip: 44688
County: Carroll


Hair: Blond/Strawberry
Head Hair: receding hairline
Eye: Blue

Clothing and Accessories

Eyewear: Bob's blood splattered eyeglasses were found in his pichup truck


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