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William Dennis Bracken Missing Person News and Details

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William Dennis Bracken Went Missing In Highland Park Michigan in November 2009

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: November 25, 2009

Circumstances: Highland Park police are asking for the public's help in locating an 80-year-old man with Alzheimer's disease who has been missing since Nov. 25, 2010.
William Bracken of Highland Park, who responds to Bill or Sonny, was last seen in Highland Park on a southbound Woodward Avenue SMART bus.
He left his home in the 200 block of Pilgrim between 4-5 p.m. Nov. 25 while his wife was grocery shopping for Thanksgiving dinner. Bracken is 5 feet, 6 inches tall and weighs about 120 pounds.
He last was seen wearing a cream and olive striped sweater, tan pants and black shoes.

First Name: William Dennis
Middle Name: Dennis
Last Name: Bracken


Age When Last Known Alive: 80
Race: Black/African Americ
Sex: Male
Height: 66.0
Weight: 120.0


City: Highland Park
State: Michigan
Zip: 48203
County: Wayne


Hair: Gray or Partially Gray
Head Hair: Short
Eye: Brown

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Cream and Olive stripped sweater, tan pants
Footwear: black shoes
Eyewear: Prescription Glasses


was last seen in Highland Park on a southbound Woodward Avenue SMART bus.

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Pete Williams: Remains founds a year later but was positively identified in 2013 through DNA of sister.
10 18, 2014 | 19:41
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