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Claxton Mark Mayo Missing Person News and Details

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Claxton Mark Mayo Went Missing In Monroe Louisiana in March 2011


Last seen alive: March 30, 2011

Circumstances: Male had wreck on interstate 20 in Troop G area, flipped suburban 3 times, was seen on surveillance video shortly thereafter entering truck stop, obviously injured, but no tape of his leaving, so must have gone out back with truck driver, Do not know where he went, or how he is. May have closed head injury and not remember, plus open wound.
First Name: Claxton Mark
Middle Name: Mark
Last Name: Mayo


Age When Last Known Alive: 43
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 73.0
Weight: 160.0 to


City: Monroe
State: Louisiana
Zip: 712021
County: Ouachita


Hair: Black
Head Hair: Bald spot on crown of head. Gray interspered on sides of head in hair.
Body Hair: Medium chest hair with goody trail
Facial Hair: Medium chest hair with goody trail
Eye: Hazel
Tattoos: Sword through spider web and flames about 1 1/2' on shoulder and left arm. (faded)
Piercings: nipple ring in left nipple

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Old Navy Blue Kakhis pants
White hantes crew neck t-shirt
greu fleece zip up jacket

Footwear: browm leather shoes with side buckles
Eyewear: may have sunglasses


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