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Dawn Marlene Allen Missing Person News and Details

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Dawn Marlene Allen Went Missing In Carroll Iowa in May 2011

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similar purse to this

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Ring is similar to this in appearence


Last seen alive: May 04, 2011 at 08:30

Circumstances: Last seen at her home around 8:30pm, didn't show up for work the next morning. Car was found in parking lot of a local bar/resturant the next day. Was believed to be with a Mr. James Snovelle who ran from the police and ultimately killed himself before he could be questioned.
First Name: Dawn Marlene
Middle Name: Marlene
Last Name: Allen


Age When Last Known Alive: 50
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 60.0 to
Weight: 135.0 to


City: Carroll
State: Iowa
Zip: 51401
County: Carroll


Hair: Blond/Strawberry
Head Hair: Blond dyed, natural brown very short.
Eye: Blue
Tattoos: 3 tattoos one on right ankle in the shape of a bracelet/charm, one on the back right shoulderblade of a Tinkerbell, and one at the waistline.
Piercings: double peirced in both ears

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Last seen in blue sweatpant and multicolor shirt
Footwear: possibly brown sandals with black straps
Jewelry: silver watch with black clockface and diamond at the 12 spot. Also a silver/white gold ring with solitare diamond about 3 karats
Accessories: missing cell phone samsung acclaim from us. cellular, as well as large bright orange purse, and keys to a chevy blazer with key fob.


Vehicle Make: Chevrolet
Vehicle Model: Blazer
Year: 2001
Style: SUV
Vehicle Color: White
Tag State: Iowa
Expiration Year: 2011
vehicle is not missing

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