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Arrilla Naomi Webb-vaul Missing Person News and Details

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Arrilla Naomi Webb-vaul Went Missing In Bossier Parish Louisiana in March 1979

Facial/case ID

Actual photo


Last seen alive: March 15, 1979

Circumstances: Arrilla dropped her husband off at Eastgate Shopping Center in the vicinity of 70th St. in Shreveport, LA the day of her disappearance. Her tire had been slashed yet was not completely flat. She then left the shopping center and traveled about 200 yards over the bridge into Bossier Parish to head home. Witnesses saw Arrilla pull over on the side of the road just over the bridge and watched a white male in a truck pull up behind her. Arrilla has not been seen or heard from since. Her car was later located on the shoulder of the road with no sign of Arrilla's whereabouts.
First Name: Arrilla Naomi
Middle Name: Naomi
Last Name: Webb-vaul


Age When Last Known Alive: 23
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 61.0
Weight: 100.0


City: Bossier Parish
State: Louisiana
County: Bossier


Hair: Blond/Strawberry
Head Hair: Blonde
Eye: Blue
Scars And Marks: Small mole on right side of nose

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Purple or maroon dress, full length blue and gray plaid hooded coat
Footwear: possibly wearing white high heel shoes
Jewelry: Small emerald ring worn on right hand, wearing white gold wedding set on left hand with two wide bands with the center of the second band having a 1/3 karat diamond, also wearing a silver watch.


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