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George Gilbert White Missing Person News and Details

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George Gilbert White Went Missing In Grandview Texas in September 1975

Actual photo
Public viewable
Wedding photo July 1970

Actual photo
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Typical clothing for George. Home in Cypress, Texas (early 1970s).

Actual photo
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Puerto Vallarta, Mexico July 1970

Facial/case ID
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Last seen alive: September 02, 1975

Circumstances: On September 2, 1975 Dr. George 'Buddy' Gilbert White, Jr. left his home in Grandview, Texas to see a man named James Durwood Grisham about a horse that White had sold to Grisham. Grisham had not yet paid Dr. White for the horse and this was the reason for the visit. There are conflicting accounts about what happened next. However, some people claim that White and Grisham were seen leaving a bank in Azle, Texas that day. Other people claim to have seen White, Grisham and an unidentified 3rd man driving through Cleburne (or Grandview) in White's truck. White did not return home that night. On the morning of September 3rd White's wife, Carol received a phone call from Mrs. Grisham asking Mrs. White if she had seen her husband because he was the last one seen with Mr. Grisham and Grisham had never come home. Shortly thereafter the police began investigating the case. White's truck was found parked in town at a local coffee shop. Some of his possessions were found in the truck. Carol and George lived in Grandview but received their mail at a PO Box in Cleburne. George was a veterinarian and had recently relocated to Grandview from Houston. He was doing embryo research on a certain type of cattle. George and Carol lived in a trailer on some property owned by an elderly couple who lived in a home on the property. Several days after George disappeared a letter addressed to Carol written by George was mailed to the house owned by the elderly couple on the Grandview property and NOT sent to the PO Box in Cleburne where they regularly received their mail. George was 33 at the time of his disappearance and his young wife was 25. In the letter he told Carol that she should go see her father (a well to do business man) because 'he would know what to do'. The letter was postmarked from somewhere in south Texas. Grisham was an ex-con so as soon as he failed to check in with his parole officer a warrant for his arrest was issued and the FBI began an investigation. On December 26, 1975 Grisham's body was discovered in a field in Johnson County, Texas (oustide of Cleburne). Grisham's killer was never found and Dr. White was never heard from again. Some theories suggest that he may have fled to Mexico. Part of Grisham’s criminal past included purchasing cattle with a check that lacked the funds to cover the purchase and then later selling the cattle to cover the first check. In the 1960s Grisham was sent to Federal Prison in Leavenworth, Kansas after having tried to sell marijuana to an undercover FBI agent in Oklahoma City. Shortly before his disappearance Dr. White had also been kiting checks at cattle auctions. Perhaps it was from this behavior that White and Grisham crossed paths?
First Name: George Gilbert
Middle Name: Gilbert
Last Name: White


Age When Last Known Alive: 33
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 72.0 to
Weight: 180.0 to


City: Grandview
State: Texas
County: Johnson


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Balding
Eye: Blue

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: George always dressed in traditional western attire (boots, hat, pressed shirt)
Footwear: Western Boots


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Recent Comments About This Profile
Jamie: I knew George before he married. I have begun to doubt the story that both his parents were killed simultaneously in a car crash and he and his sister inherited the ranch and a great amount of money.
07 27, 2014 | 10:18
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