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Earnest Edward Francis Missing Person News and Details

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Earnest Edward Francis Went Missing In Sistersville West Virginia in May 2011

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Last seen alive: May 04, 2011 at 17:36

Circumstances: on Wed 5/4/2011, about 1500 Earnest left my house (mom) w/3 oldest kids to go to their appointment, in his brother's (Landrew) vehicle. at about 1720 the appointment was over. at 1736 he called my house from his cell, asked Landrew if he could use the vehicle to go to his work place, Landrew told him yeah, go ahead he didnt need the vehicle. He is on security tape getting gas. He never made it to the work place.

His estranged wife (Stephanie Francis) said while she took the 2 girls to their appointment Earnest said he was goin to the damm (hydro) to use the bath rm. She had to call him several times & he was almost late getting back for his son's appointment.

On Fri 5/6/11 I called Earnest's boss Larry Rice. Larry said he had not seen or heard from him for last few days. He said, he's not even returning my calls.

William (Earnest's dad) went to look for him. About 1400-1430, he found Landrew's vehicle at the damm (hydro). It was locked, had Earnest's cell ph, wallet, money, his keys, necklace piece, & belt under the seat.

According to his phone, his last out going call was to my phone, and he took no incoming calls after that. Unless it was erased from his phone. The NMPD has been informed that they can get his phone records from the company. I don't know if they did or not.

We have not heard anything from him, nor anything verifiable about him since.

First Name: Earnest Edward
Middle Name: Edward
Last Name: Francis


Age When Last Known Alive: 32
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Male
Height: 70.0
Weight: 190.0


City: Sistersville
State: West Virginia
Zip: 26175
County: Tyler


Hair: Red/Auburn
Head Hair: sandy w/red tint hair.
Body Hair: blonde/light red
Facial Hair: blonde/light red
Eye: Blue
Scars And Marks: lower leg, right I think, circular indented scar from a cut by a disc.
Tattoos: 1. Grim Reaper w/red & green colors on left shoulder.
2. Indian Feathers under the Grim Reaper.
3. Scorpian on inside right lower arm close to wrist.
4. The word METALLICA on right wrist.
5. Spider skeleton on back of neck/upper back.
6. Googgley Eyes cartoon figure on left side chest.

Piercings: 3 in left ear, maybe 1 in right ear, maybe eyebrow, maybe tongue

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: camaflouge tank top, cream colored insuleted shirt(inside green and black squares), dark blue or black dress pants
Footwear: sandles with the toe in & maybe the back in.
Jewelry: watch, 3 prs earrings in left ear,
Eyewear: glasses


NA, he'd borrowed his brother's vehicle, but it was left at the damm (hydro)

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