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Mitchell Todd Hein Missing Person News and Details

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Mitchell Todd Hein Went Missing In Golden Colorado in February 1983

Actual photo
Public viewable
Taken in December 1981 when Mitch was 21 years old

Actual photo
Public viewable
circa 1981-1982


Last seen alive: February 01, 1983

Circumstances: The date of disappearance is between January 1983 (when his parents last saw him in Jefferson County Colorado) and March 1983 (when a friend last saw him in Indio California)

Mitchell moved out his parent’s house in Golden Colorado in 1980. He traveled extensively over the next three years working odd jobs such as rebuilding boats, a car mechanic and work in the oil fields. He was known to have been in Houston Texas, Galveston Texas, Clinton Oklahoma, Neosho Missouri and Indio California. Mitch would send his parents postcards and would visit once a year during the Christmas holidays.

In December 1982 Mitch came home to Colorado for a visit and abruptly left in January or February 1983 without saying goodbye to anyone. He was carrying his clothes and belongings in a black trash bag.

According to a friend, Mitch showed up in Clinton Oklahoma and then in early March 1983 he hitched a ride with the friend’s father to California. When they stopped for the night in Indio California Mitch left the hotel room and has not been seen or heard from since.

Mitch may have been involved in drugs and was described by some friends as being anti-establishment. It was reported that Mitch had thrown away his driver’s license, social security card and may have had no form of identification on him.

First Name: Mitchell Todd
Middle Name: Todd
Last Name: Hein


Age When Last Known Alive: 22
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Male
Height: 72.0
Weight: 170.0


City: Golden
State: Colorado
Zip: 80401
County: Jefferson


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: His hair has been described as both brown and auburn.
Mitch has naturally curly hair and when last seen it was bushy and unkempt.

Eye: Brown
Scars And Marks: Mitch had major knee surgery and has a large scar on one of his knees. (Parents don’t remember which knee)

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Mitch was last seen wearing tattered blue jeans, a flannel shirt.
Footwear: Either tennis shoes or work boots.
Jewelry: None known
Eyewear: None known
Accessories: None known


Did not own a car
Airline: None known
Bus: None known

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