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Jerold D Strege Missing Person News and Details

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Jerold D Strege Went Missing In Waupun Wisconsin in October 2002

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: October 02, 2002

Circumstances: Unknown. Jerrold was last seen at his job in the vicinity of W. Lincoln St. in Waupun, WI. He loved to golf and was scheduled to be in a tournament the weekend of October 5, 2002 but never arrived. His apartment was found unlocked with the lights and TV on. All personal belongings were left behind.
First Name: Jerold D
Middle Name: D
Last Name: Strege


Age When Last Known Alive: 43
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 75.0
Weight: 230.0


City: Waupun
State: Wisconsin
County: Fond Du Lac


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Brown
Eye: Blue

Clothing and Accessories

Jewelry: 'Seiko' or 'Citizen' watch


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Recent Comments About This Profile
meilin hull: he had been threatened by hispanic inmates that when they got out they were going to kill him Has that ever been really looked over ?interviews with co-workers who heard those threats So much can be done under cover work also sensative as it is Was he having an affair with a co-worker ? and possibly a victim Those are rumors ive heard just in mention of his case I really hope those leads have been looked into and this case can be solved That is a wonderful family So please anyone with any imformation even if its hear-say a lead could be there Someone could put the peices together Thanks friends of the family
09 19, 2013 | 13:01
meilin hull: rumors have surfaced from the beginning through Jerolds co-workers Threats from inmates !How hard is it to follow up on the individuals who were released at that time and made those threats ???
09 19, 2013 | 13:09
meilin hull: rumors have surfaced from the beginning through Jerolds co-workers Threats from inmates !How hard is it to follow up on the individuals who were released at that time and made those threats ???
09 19, 2013 | 13:16
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