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Richard Wayne Sammons Missing Person News and Details

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Richard Wayne Sammons Went Missing In Mesa Arizona in January 1983

Facial/case ID
Public viewable

Actual photo
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Last seen alive: January 11, 1983

Circumstances: On 01/14/1983 Richard Sammons was reported as missing by his mother after a frantic phone call from Richard's fiancee, asking if they knew where their son was. Richard's parents went to his apartment but were unable to locate him. His apartment was neat and orderly nothing disturbed. Richard left his vehicle, money, checkbook and clothing behind. There was no sign of foul play at his apartment. Several people were interviewed on this case and all claim to have no knowledge of Richard's disappearance.
First Name: Richard Wayne
Middle Name: Wayne
Last Name: Sammons


Age When Last Known Alive: 19
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 78.0
Weight: 180.0


City: Mesa
State: Arizona
Zip: 85204
County: Maricopa


Hair: Blond/Strawberry
Head Hair: Collar to shoulder length-Wavy
Eye: Blue
Amputations: Tip of right index finger
Scars And Marks: Scar below knee unknown which knee, where moles had been removed (burned off)
Other Distinctive: Right arm broken in the past.

Clothing and Accessories

Footwear: Wore size 10-11 shoe


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