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Richard Dean Roberts Went Missing In Hayden Colorado in February 1995

Facial/case ID
Public viewable

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: February 01, 1995

Circumstances: Hayden town mayor Richard Roberts was last seen around 20:30 on February 1, 1995, when he told a town clerk that he would not be attending the Hayden Town Council’s bi-monthly meeting later that week.
His job as a consultant to oil companies required him to travel through several counties visiting oil-rig pads, and friends said it was not unusual for him to be gone for more than a week.
The town clerk’s office reported Roberts missing February 9. The Hayden Police Department launched its investigation into Roberts’ disappearance a few days later.
His gray and white Ford pickup was found in the Utah desert near the Colorado state line. Roberts’ wallet, car keys and .22-caliber rifle were missing.
Three footprints were found near the truck but a dry winter left them indistinct. All but one set of fingerprints left in the truck were accounted for. No other evidence was found at the site.

Roberts was divorced and lived alone at the time. He has three daughters.

First Name: Richard Dean
Middle Name: Dean
Last Name: Roberts


Age When Last Known Alive: 51
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 72.0
Weight: 220.0 to


City: Hayden
State: Colorado
Zip: 81639
County: Routt


Hair: Gray or Partially Gray
Head Hair: Graying Red
Eye: Brown

Clothing and Accessories


Vehicle Make: Ford
Vehicle Model: Truck
Vehicle Color: Gray/White
His gray and white Ford pickup was found in the Utah desert near the Colorado state line

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