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Denise Lynn Oliverson Missing Person News and Details

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Denise Lynn Oliverson Went Missing In Grand Junction Colorado in April 1975

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Last seen alive: April 06, 1975

Circumstances: On April 6, 1975 Denise Oliverson decided to go for a bike ride to visit her parents in Grand Junction after having an argument with her husband. When she didn't return that evening he assumed she had decided to stay the night at her parents. She never arrived at her parents house.

The next day her bicycle and sandals were found under a viaduct near a railroad bridge close to the Colorado River, on U.S. Route 50, along the route she would have taken.

It is suspected she is a victim of serial killer Theodore Robert 'Ted' Bundy. Bundy said he dumped her body into the Colorado River. Her body would have been placed in the Colorado River five miles west of Grand Junction. It was not buried.

First Name: Denise Lynn
Middle Name: Lynn
Last Name: Oliverson


Age When Last Known Alive: 25
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 64.0
Weight: 105.0


City: Grand Junction
State: Colorado
County: Mesa


Hair: Brown
Eye: Blue
Scars And Marks: Acne, lump on back of right hand.

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Levi pants, green long sleeved Indian print blouse.


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