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Daniel S. Burroughs Went Missing In Mays Landing New Jersey in August 2007

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Facial/case ID
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Facial/case ID
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Last seen alive: August 14, 2007

Circumstances: Dan was preparing to move to Florida, where his son lives, he fixed his house up to sell, he bought generators and other various items to take with him.
On or around August 14th his wife, Loretta, said he ran away with another woman to Florida.

Dannys family, friends and co-workers don't believe this. He had told no one of another woman. He left everything he was gathering to bring with them including his model airplanes that he liked to fly, he had thousands of dollars invested in this hobby. He also played the drums and his drum set was estimated at $8,000-10,000.

Prior to his disappearance, his wife, Loretta, tried to obtain power of attorny papers, that were already supposedly signed by Danny.

Within two to three days after he disappeared Loretta was selling his truck, speedboat, airplanes, tools, everything he was going to take with him.

First Name: Daniel S.
Middle Name: S.
Last Name: Burroughs


Age When Last Known Alive: 60
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 67.0
Weight: 190.0


City: Mays Landing
State: New Jersey
Zip: 08330
County: Atlantic


Hair: Gray or Partially Gray
Head Hair: Originally brown, probabaly gray or partially gray mainly bald in the front.
Body Hair: N/A
Facial Hair: N/A
Eye: Green
Scars And Marks: Scar on his neck

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Blue tank top
Unknown color shorts

Footwear: Sandals
Jewelry: His wrist watch was left at the residence


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