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Ronnie Odell Davis Missing Person News and Details

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Ronnie Odell Davis Went Missing In Swink Oklahoma in August 1977

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: August 24, 1977

Circumstances: After leaving work, Ronnie Odell Davis drove to an area where he corraled his horses. Upon arriving, Ronnie was accosted by two men driving a blue and white Buick (or similar) car with Texas license plates. One of the men had dark hair, a well-kept beard, and wore wire-rimmed glasses. The other gentleman had longish-blond hair. The bearded man was holding a gun, according to two eye-witnessed who drove by the corral. This is the last known sighting of Ronnie. The next day, his father reported him missing. Through various witness statements and other evidence collected by law enforcement, it appears that the two men thought Ronnie had stolen marajuana from an adjacent field.
First Name: Ronnie Odell
Middle Name: Odell
Last Name: Davis


Age When Last Known Alive: 24
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 74.0 to
Weight: 180.0 to


City: Swink
State: Oklahoma
County: Choctaw


Hair: Red/Auburn
Head Hair: Thick reddish hair with a slight wave.
Body Hair: Slight, reddish
Facial Hair: Slight, reddish
Eye: Blue
Scars And Marks: Acne scars, 1/2 inch scar on back of neck
Skeletal Information: Broken leg...cannot remember if it was left or right.

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Blue denim pants, blue denim shirt.
Footwear: Cowboy boots.
Jewelry: Gold watch.
Eyewear: none
Accessories: none


Vehicle Make: Ford
Vehicle Model: F350
Year: 1975
Style: Pickup
Vehicle Color: Blue and White
Tag Type: Passenger autom
Tag Number: 440-699
Tag State: Oklahoma
Expiration Year: 1978
1975 Ford XLT 3/4-ton pickup with white over royal blue.

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