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Steve Lynn Reed Missing Person News and Details

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Steve Lynn Reed Went Missing In Gravel Ridge Arkansas in June 2011

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Steve Reed Missing

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Steve Reed Missing

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Missing Flyer


Last seen alive: June 23, 2011

Circumstances: Steve Reed went missing on June 23 when he left his home in Austin Arkansas . Witness reports seeing the Tan Dodge Durango and 3 men arguing at a residence in the Gravel Ridge Area , Steve has not been seen since . The Durango he was driving was later found abandoned on Hwy 65 N of Greenbrier near the Rock Quarry. Witnesses (Employees of the Quarry)report seeing the Durango at 6 AM on the 24th of June with a white male in his mid 30's sitting in the drivers seat . This man was not that of the man in the missing flyer . Approx mid morning (9:30-10 AM ) they saw a smaller model 4 dr white car pull behind the Durango with a white male & female inside. That car left the scene heading in the direction of Greenbrier . The driver of the Durango was no longer observed . Steve has had no activity on his phone or bank card since he's gone missing .
First Name: Steve Lynn
Middle Name: Lynn
Last Name: Reed


Age When Last Known Alive: 48
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 67.0
Weight: 165.0 to


City: Gravel Ridge
State: Arkansas
County: Pulaski


Hair: Blond/Strawberry
Head Hair: Blond / Graying
Eye: Green
Scars And Marks: Scars on hip / leg surgery for a hip replacement

Scar on (R) Cheek

Artificial Body Parts: (R) Hip replacement
Other Distinctive: Walks with a limp due to hip surgery

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Blue Jean Shorts & White T.Shirt
Footwear: Camo flip flop sandals
Jewelry: Wedding Ring
Accessories: Cell Phone , Wallet


Vehicle Make: Dodge
Vehicle Model: Durango
Year: 2002
Style: SUV
Vehicle Color: Tan
Tag Type: Passenger autom
Tag Number: 836 LTD
Tag State: Arkansas
Dodge Durango found abandoned out of fuel on Hwy 65 N of Greenbrier AR

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