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Stephanie Kay Fladgard Missing Person News and Details

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Stephanie Kay Fladgard Went Missing In Castle Rock Colorado in October 1996

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Last seen alive: October 18, 1996

Circumstances: Last seen on Oct. 18, 1996. Stephanie did not arrive for work as scheduled and has not worked in the US since this date.
First Name: Stephanie Kay
Middle Name: Kay
Last Name: Fladgard


Age When Last Known Alive: 41
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Female
Height: 65.0
Weight: 135.0


City: Castle Rock
State: Colorado
Zip: 80104
County: Douglas


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Shoulder length or slightly longer.
Eye: Brown

Clothing and Accessories

Eyewear: Possibly wearing glasses.


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Recent Comments About This Profile
twotall Terry: Salt Lake City Utah
12 05, 2013 | 17:58
Bazza : Poor stephanie were is she ? Come on someone knows something a care about her despite being in a different country and never met her but not enough do a pray to god she is ok but if she was killed pls at least let her be found for her fam and pals
12 13, 2013 | 15:08
Rude D: That is NOT a lady but a man ,You can tell that is a wig .I was a close friend so that is how I know ,Maybe they need to look for a guy .Steph seemed to feel traped and said that he was gonna go to a bigger city where he/she would fit in
03 27, 2014 | 13:55
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