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Mary Jacqueline Levitz Missing Person News and Details

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Mary Jacqueline Levitz Went Missing In Vicksburg Mississippi in November 1995

Facial/case ID
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Last seen alive: November 18, 1995

Circumstances: Mary Jacqueline Levitz was last seen on November 18, 1995 when she went to the store to purchase wallpaper. A relative visited her home two days later, on November 20, 1995, to see why she hadn't been answering calls and discovered her front door open. Inside, blood that matched her type was found on the bedroom carpet and mattress, which had been flipped over to conceal the stains. There were signs of a struggle, and torn off fingernail tips were found. Expensive valuables were left; only her purse and makeup bag were missing.

Mrs. Levitz was declared legally deceased on November 18, 2000. Foul play is suspected, and police believe her body may have been disposed of in the Mississippi River.

First Name: Mary Jacqueline
Middle Name: Jacqueline
Last Name: Levitz


Age When Last Known Alive: 62
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 66.0
Weight: 125.0


City: Vicksburg
State: Mississippi
County: Warren


Hair: Blond/Strawberry
Head Hair: Graying blond.
Eye: Hazel

Clothing and Accessories


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Recent Comments About This Profile
hotrodhannahs: I have a friend that used to live in Vicksburg. She has been telling me lately of stories she overheard while living there. She said that a lady that was killed and has been missing in Vicksburg is buried under that old restaurant in Vicksburg that was called Ryans. Not sure if this is her but maybe it can help.
08 05, 2014 | 13:32
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