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Christopher Todd Armstrong Missing Person News and Details

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Christopher Todd Armstrong Went Missing In Magnolia Arkansas in March 1998

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: March 07, 1998

Circumstances: Unknown circumstances at this time.
First Name: Christopher Todd
Middle Name: Todd
Last Name: Armstrong


Age When Last Known Alive: 18
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 63.0
Weight: 130.0


City: Magnolia
State: Arkansas
Zip: 71753
County: Columbia


Hair: Brown
Eye: Brown
Tattoos: Tattoo left arm - unknown description

Clothing and Accessories


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Recent Comments About This Profile
Bri: How come there hasn't been any further investigation regarding my Uncle? It's been about 15 years, and we now have more technology? I understand that he probably wont ever be found but we don't know if he truly is dead, maybe he's living in a different state with his indention changed.
08 26, 2013 | 23:52
Unknown: I miss him.
08 27, 2013 | 14:23
Sayde Labit: I think that we should be able to have some peace for our family. my uncle has been gone all these years and they just let his case go. I pretty much accept that hes no longer here but I would like to have proof. maybe they did relocate him to somewhere else. either way I would like to know he as at rest or if he is searching and missing us also. Chris if you see this you are dearly missed!!!!!
09 29, 2014 | 16:52
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