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Rebecca Rodriguez Missing Person News and Details

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Rebecca Rodriguez Went Missing In Brentwood California in July 1977


Last seen alive: July 16, 1977

Circumstances: Last seen in the evening of July 16, 1977 in Brentwood Park with her older sister Evangeline Silva and Kenneth John Beltram. They had told others in the park that they were either going home to Oakley or Hogg Island. They got into Beltram’s car and vanished. Beltram was reportedly seen by his brother the next morning, who did not see the girls. In late July, Beltram’s car was reportedly seen in Concord, California by friends of Beltram. They said an unidentified white male was driving the car. The car eluded them and hasn’t been seen since.
First Name: Rebecca
Last Name: Rodriguez


Age When Last Known Alive: 16
Race: White
Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino
Sex: Female
Height: 62.0
Weight: 110.0


City: Brentwood
State: California
Zip: 94513
County: Contra Costa


Hair: Red/Auburn
Head Hair: Long
Eye: Hazel

Clothing and Accessories


Vehicle Make: Chevrolet
Vehicle Model: Unknown
Year: 1960
Vehicle Color: White
Tag Number: CCJ 775
Tag State: California
Described as being lowered, painted pearl white, with a large dent in the tailgate door and mag rims.

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