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Dalton Wayne Timothy Missing Person News and Details

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Dalton Wayne Timothy Went Missing In Peterstown West Virginia in March 2007

Facial/case ID
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Cropped and enhanced by RSS Flanagan/NamUs on 11/16/11. Will use as primary case photo unless LEA prefers another.

Actual photo
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Cropped and enhanced by RSS Flanagan/NamUs on 11/16/11.

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Cropped and enhanced by RSS Flanagan/NamUs on 11/16/11.

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Cropped and enhanced by RSS Flanagan/NamUs on 11/16/11.


Last seen alive: March 26, 2007

Circumstances: Victims vehicle was found abandoned in Peterstown, WV in March 2007. No sign of struggle. Victim has not been since.
First Name: Dalton Wayne
Middle Name: Wayne
Last Name: Timothy


Age When Last Known Alive: 26
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 70.0 to
Weight: 200.0 to


City: Peterstown
State: West Virginia
Zip: 24963
County: Monroe


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Short
Body Hair: Chest Hair
Facial Hair: Chest Hair
Eye: Blue
Scars And Marks: Possible small scar on stomach left of midline.
Tattoos: Dalton on right arm (Horizontal)
Unknown tattoo on left upper arm

Foreign Objects: Pin in broken finger on right or left hand unsure which.

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Dark blue shirt - button up, Light grey shorts
Footwear: Black Nike shoes
Jewelry: Possible dogtag style necklace
Accessories: Possible pocket knife


Vehicle Make: Chevrolet
Vehicle Model: S10
Year: 1991
Style: Pickup
Vehicle Color: Burgundy/Maroon
Tag Type: All others
Tag Number: KCA-2601
Tag State: Virginia
Vehicle was recovered behind bank building in Peterstown,WV. The vehicle had a broken drivers window. The vehicle was later sold.

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