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Nancy Kay Tharp Missing Person News and Details

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Nancy Kay Tharp Went Missing In Brooklyn Park Minnesota in August 1977


Last seen alive: August 20, 1977

Circumstances: unknown
First Name: Nancy Kay
Middle Name: Kay
Last Name: Tharp


Age When Last Known Alive: 23
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 66.0
Weight: 125.0


City: Brooklyn Park
State: Minnesota
County: Hennepin


Hair: Blond/Strawberry
Eye: Blue

Clothing and Accessories


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Recent Comments About This Profile
Ryan Tharp: I am her son, my name is Ryan D. Tharp...I have served my country and got educated..........I will always love my mother Nancy.......I know there is evil in the world; I also know there is a lot of good in the world. MY Mother; she was taken....but she was a light..........
10 23, 2013 | 05:42
Ryan: I am her Ryan D Tharp...
10 23, 2013 | 05:56
Ezekiel 36:26: To her son Ryan, do you know if Joseph Ture was ever ruled out as a suspect in her disappearance? He is a convicted murdered and rapist who preyed on young, pretty, blonde women near the location of her disappearance during the same time frame.
06 12, 2014 | 02:29
Kathi Miller Gardner: I have thought so often of Nancy. Went to grade school with her. She was a lovely, sweet girl, pretty and gentle. Hope someday her family is able to find an answer to her disappearance. I know that whatever happened, she adored her son and would never have left her family willingly.
03 22, 2015 | 16:56
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