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John Fred Daugherty Missing Person News and Details

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John Fred Daugherty Went Missing In Rogue River Oregon in April 1988


Last seen alive: April 15, 1988

Circumstances: Roommate reported him missing 2 weeks after he last saw him. He claimed that John went 'camping/hiking' alone in the Shasta Costa creek area between Curry, and Josephine counties, and that he had not had contact with him since. The area was searched thoroughly, and nothing was found. Several months later a crew timber cruising found a campsite torn apart by bears, and my brothers id, as well as his tent, that was still in it's case, obviously never put up, with snow on the ground, at the time of his disappearance.
The following entry is summarized from Curry County Sheriff's Office report dated Oct 16, 1989: Deputy responded on Oct 14, 1989 to a campsite where MP's property was found. Location of the site was recorded as T34s R11w, middle of southeast corner of section 36. Access to the site was from Snout Creek Road to the 110 spur road, from the 110 spur road a trail followed down a ridge to the site where the camping gear was found. The gear was strewn over an area of about 75 feet. It appeared that a bear had removed the contents from the pack in search of food. All the canned food items had been opened by bear, and majority of everything else including the pack had been damaged. The tent was not erected and the tent poles were still in the pack. Items recovered by Curry County Sheriff's Office on Oct 14, 1989 were: Wallet with Oregon driver license, Univ of Oregon ID Card, and other misc cards and papers, $31 in cash; mitten; tent; sleeping bag; backpack; 2 tarps; 2 books; coat; shirt; pants; towel; t-shirt; raincoat; rain pants; pair of shoes; pair of socks; stocking hat; coat hood; screwdriver; axe; 3 pots; misc cooking utensils.

First Name: John Fred
Middle Name: Fred
Last Name: Daugherty


Age When Last Known Alive: 24
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Male
Height: 74.0
Weight: 160.0 to


City: Rogue River
State: Oregon
Zip: 97537
County: Jackson


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: full, curly
Body Hair: light brown to blonde not heavy, but some
Facial Hair: light brown to blonde not heavy, but some
Eye: Brown

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Last seen wearing green wool army pants
Eyewear: LSW wire rim glasses.


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