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Cory Allen Kellis Missing Person News and Details

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Cory Allen Kellis Went Missing In Elma Washington in December 2011

Facial/case ID
Public viewable
This was taken sometime in 2011 and is a very accurate picture of Cory

Actual photo
Public viewable
This is Cory in 2011 and a very accurate image of him.

Actual photo
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Actual photo
Public viewable


Last seen alive: December 28, 2011

Circumstances: Cory went out to sit on the patio at his home on the morning of December 28 2011. He has not been heard from since. His wallet, phone, and keys were found at a lake near the Vance Creek County Park near Elma WA where he often walked his dog.

A sonar search by County Sheriff's office of the lake and dive as well as a physical search was conducted, but teams were unsuccessful at finding Cory.

First Name: Cory Allen
Middle Name: Allen
Last Name: Kellis


Age When Last Known Alive: 37
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 72.0
Weight: 156.0


City: Elma
State: Washington
Zip: 98541
County: Grays Harbor


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Dark brown and greying. Generally kept short and well-groomed.
Body Hair: minimal
Facial Hair: minimal
Eye: Hazel
Tattoos: Tattoo of 'angry' fish on uppper right arm that was blue in color; tribal design tattoo on right forearm; tribal design tattoo on upper left arm; small fleur-de-lis type design tattoo on left wrist, directly under the area where a watch would be worn.
Other Distinctive: Small bump or node toward end of nose which was not very noticeable; small mole on right side of abdomen; callouses on both large toes.

Blotchy persistent skin rash across the back. Runs from lower shoulder area to just above buttocks.

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: He was last seen wearing a camel-color Carhartt coat with a hood, heavy blue Cabela’s flannel shirt, blue jeans
Footwear: black, Georgia brand 'romeo-style' shoes
Jewelry: none
Eyewear: none


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