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Rex Lee Douglas Missing Person News and Details

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Rex Lee Douglas Went Missing In Lyons Colorado in January 1984

Facial/case ID
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Rex Douglas Age Progression

Actual photo
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Last seen alive: January 30, 1984

Circumstances: MP, a pastor at a local church, was last known to be at St Louis Lambert Airport 013084, was to have flown to Denver Stapleton that day. MP placed suitcase in locker at Lambert, but never picked up boarding pass,and never boarded flight to Denver. MP had gone to Missouri to conduct a land transaction, which was completed. He also made a side trip to Des Moines,IA on 012884 for unknown purposes, although he told his wife he might make a side trip to Kansas City to see 'the big church' (Nazarene Headquarters) which trip he made. He flew from Kansas City to Des Moines, then back to St. Louis. No one reported seeing him at Nazarene Headquarters
First Name: Rex Lee
Middle Name: Lee
Last Name: Douglas


Age When Last Known Alive: 62
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 72.0
Weight: 218.0


City: Lyons
State: Colorado
Zip: 80540
County: Boulder


Hair: Gray or Partially Gray
Head Hair: Hair normally parted on the left, used Grecian Formula to cover gray
Eye: Blue
Amputations: Tip of middle finger left hand
Scars And Marks: Small roundish scar on left shoulder

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Dark navy blue buit, brown sweater vest, white shirt, red tie
Eyewear: Wears glasses to read


Airline: Frontier Airlines

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