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Tammy L Glaze Missing Person News and Details

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Tammy L Glaze Went Missing In Springfield Missouri in July 1997

Facial/case ID
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Actual photo
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Last seen alive: July 15, 1997 at 14:29

Circumstances: Glaze was reported missing in 2004 by her father. The last time he saw her was in 1997 or 1998. She was thought to have moved to San Antonio, TX to escape prosecution for a child abuse charge she was facing in Missouri. Her children were placed in custody of family services. She supposedly gave birth to a child in San Antonio, TX and that child was given up for adoption. She has not been seen and/or heard from.
First Name: Tammy L
Middle Name: L
Last Name: Glaze


Age When Last Known Alive: 28
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 62.0
Weight: 140.0


City: Springfield
State: Missouri
County: Greene


Hair: Brown
Eye: Brown
Piercings: Both ears pierced once.

Clothing and Accessories


Vehicle Make: Ford
Vehicle Model: Tempo
Style: Sedan
Vehicle Color: Maroon and Red
Tag State: Missouri

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