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Thomas Daniel Lange Missing Person News and Details

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Thomas Daniel Lange Went Missing In Allen Park Michigan in December 2003

Facial/case ID
Public viewable
DL Ops Photo


Last seen alive: December 30, 2003

Circumstances: Thomas left his place of employment (Tullio's La Riviera Restaurant, 7910 Allen Road, Allen Park, Michigan 48101) at approximately 10:30 pm on the evening of Tuesday, December 30, 2003. He walked across the street to the Wheat & Rye Steak House and left there approximately an hour later. He was to stop off at the grocery store to pick up diapers for his three year old son, as well items for a family New Years Eve Party the next evening. Thomas was pretty excited about attending the party for he hadn't been able to attend one in many years due to work schedules. It is extremely uncharacteristic of Thomas walking away from his son, job, and family.
First Name: Thomas Daniel
Middle Name: Daniel
Last Name: Lange


Age When Last Known Alive: 30
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 76.0
Weight: 190.0 to


City: Allen Park
State: Michigan
Zip: 48101
County: Wayne


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Worn short
Eye: Brown
Tattoos: Thomas had a tattoo of a wizard on his left shoulder blade.
Other Distinctive: Olive complexion

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Thomas was last seen wearing jeans, dark shoes, dark tshirt, and a red nylon jacket.


Vehicle Make: Mercury
Vehicle Model: Sable
Year: 1999
Style: Sedan
Vehicle Color: Black
Tag Number: #XQS 481
Tag State: Michigan
Expiration Year: 2004
The car had damage to the front passenger side door.

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