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Max Oscar Schone Missing Person News and Details

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Max Oscar Schone Went Missing In Skykomish Washington in June 1988


Last seen alive: June 25, 1988

Circumstances: Missing person (MP) was going fishing with a companion. As they were hiking to the lake, MP stopped to talk to some other fishermen they encountered. The companion continued to the lake. When the MP did not arrive after about 45 minutes, the companion hiked back to the car and waited for some time. The MP never appeared. An extensive Search and Rescue operation was initiated the following day. No trace was found of the MP.
First Name: Max Oscar
Middle Name: Oscar
Last Name: Schone


Age When Last Known Alive: 81
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 67.0
Weight: 160.0


City: Skykomish
State: Washington
County: King


Hair: Unknown or Completely Bald
Head Hair: Bald
Eye: Blue

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Brown Pants; blue vest; blue baseball hat
Footwear: Galoshes with buckles; shoes inside.
Accessories: Carrying fishing gear (not specified)


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Recent Comments About This Profile
jenelle: these is a fake story i just read an article about this man he was trying to cross the border back to the united states and was never heard from again its been years since he disappeared and his family wants answer i cant remember his full name but google it and is andy something about disappeared from mexico
04 04, 2013 | 17:45
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