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Derek Joseph Lueking Missing Person News and Details

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Derek Joseph Lueking Went Missing In Cherokee North Carolina in March 2012

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Last seen alive: March 17, 2012

Circumstances: Last seen in the Cherokee, NC area at the address above (Microtel Inn and Suites). The vehicle Derek was driving was found within the Great Smoky Mountains National Park near the Tennessee and North Caroline state line. While his vehicle was located at the Newfound Gap area, no one interviewed on and off the trail could verify him being inside or outside the park after leaving the hotel at 0400 hrs on the morning of March 17, 2012.
First Name: Derek Joseph
Middle Name: Joseph
Last Name: Lueking


Age When Last Known Alive: 24
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 70.0 to
Weight: 215.0 to


City: Cherokee
State: North Carolina
Zip: 28719
County: Swain


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Medium brown color, receding hairline, about 1/2 inches long
Body Hair: Almost none on torso but darker hair on arms and legs
Facial Hair: Almost none on torso but darker hair on arms and legs
Eye: Hazel
Scars And Marks: Stretch marks around lower back area
Tattoos: Left upper side of his chest has the word 'live' or 'life' in Japanese lettering.

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Dark color track pants with white strips down outside each leg
Footwear: Dark color athletic shoe
Eyewear: prescription eyeglasses with metal rims
Accessories: Daypack (book bag style for school)dark blue or black and possibly a waterproof watch, a Bear Grylls survival tool pack (including a multi tool, small flashlight, fire starter rod), a Gerber pack axe, Several pages of a military survival manual, a knife sharpener, a Coleman compass/thermometer, 100’ of black parachute cord, a head lamp, pocket knife, IPod Touch, and some granola bars.


Vehicle found at Newfound Gap parking lot in the Great Smoky Mountains by family at 8:30am March 17th 2012. The vehicle is now with the family and Derek has no keys to the car.

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