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Lillian Rochelle Holmes Missing Person News and Details

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Lillian Rochelle Holmes Went Missing In Pasadena California in March 1984

Facial/case ID
Public viewable
Lillian Rochelle Holmes

Public viewable
This is an enlarged scan of the small notice that appeared in the local newspaper on March 29, 1984 - one week after Lillian R. Holmes went missing.

Actual photo
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Actual photo
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Facial/case ID
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Actual photo
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photo taken mid 1970's

Actual photo
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photo taken 1979/1980


Last seen alive: March 22, 1984

Circumstances: 21 year old Lillian Rochelle Holmes went missing in Pasadena California on 3/22/1984.

Lillian was last seen by her father when she left her Pasadena home at approximately 6:30 am on her way to start a new job demonstrating products at Robinsons in the Santa Anita Mall located in Arcadia, CA.

Lillian was last seen boarding an RTD bus in Pasadena carrying a blue dress over her shoulder. Lillian was never seen or heard from again.

It is believed that Lillian never made it to the new job at the mall but it is unknown where exactly she vanished along her journey between her home and the mall.

First Name: Lillian Rochelle
Middle Name: Rochelle
Last Name: Holmes


Age When Last Known Alive: 21
Race: Black/African Americ
Sex: Female
Height: 62.0 to
Weight: 105.0 to


City: Pasadena
State: California
Zip: 91104
County: Los Angeles


Hair: Black
Head Hair: Hair color is Black or Dark Brown. Normally worn long/shoulder length.
Eye: Hazel
Scars And Marks: Mole on front of neck.

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Unknown
Footwear: Unknown
Jewelry: Unknown
Eyewear: Unknown


Bus: Lillian typically took the RTD bus in Pasadena.

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