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Warren L. Tankersley Jr Missing Person News and Details

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Warren L. Tankersley Jr Went Missing In Weatherford Texas in March 2012

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Warren L. Tankersley Jr


Last seen alive: March 15, 2012

Circumstances: Parker County Sheriff’s Investigators are seeking a Parker County man who was reported missing by a family member over the weekend. Warren L. Tankersley Jr, 58, of Weatherford, was reported missing Saturday, May 5, 2012. Tankersley’s brother reported to deputies that he has been missing since around March 15. Tankersley’s brother also reported it is not unusual for him to be gone for several days at a time, it is however, unusual for him to be gone this long and therefore, called the Sheriff’s Office.
Tankersley is described as 5-feet 11-inches tall, weighing about 190 pounds with collar-length, brown, wavy hair and brown eyes. He is said to be a “loner,” does not work and is said to frequent flea markets, trade days events and scrap yards. His vehicle was left at his home in Weatherford off of Old Airport Road. Anyone who has seen Tankersley or knows information on his location is encouraged to call the Parker County Sheriff’s Office immediately at (817) 594-8845 or the Parker County Crime Stoppers Hotline at (817) 599-5555. You may remain anonymous when calling Crime Stoppers.

First Name: Warren L.
Middle Name: L.
Last Name: Tankersley Jr


Age When Last Known Alive: 58
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Male
Height: 72.0
Weight: 190.0


City: Weatherford
State: Texas
County: Parker


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: shoulder length brown wavy hair
Eye: Brown

Clothing and Accessories


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