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Stevie Bates Went Missing In Yonkers New York in April 2012

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: April 28, 2012

Circumstances: On April 26, 2012 Stevie was returning from a cross county trip, traveling alone by Greyhound bus to NYC from Hot Springs AK. I spoke with her last at 7:52 pm on 4/27/12 while she was at a layover bus stop in PA. I was able to view surveillance cameras at NY Port Authority which showed her coming up the escalator from the greyhound bus at 8:51am on 4/28/2012.
When I last spoke with her on 4/27 she told me that when she arrived in NYC she would stop in Brooklyn to meet a friend and then she would come home. I have not heard from her or seen her since. None of her friends have seen her. She's had no activity on face book since April 26, 2012. The friend she was to meet up with hasn't seen her since before she left NY April 19, 2012 to begin her travels. She has not had activity on her card since April 26, 2012. Stevie never goes without calling me. She has a very distinct look of shoulder length hair that is dyed blonde and in dread locks.

First Name: Stevie
Last Name: Bates


Age When Last Known Alive: 19
Race: Black/African Americ
Sex: Female
Height: 66.0 to
Weight: 115.0 to


City: Yonkers
State: New York
Zip: 10701
County: Westchester


Hair: Blond/Strawberry
Head Hair: Dyed blonde dreadlocks with dark brown roots
Body Hair: off black on arms and legs
Facial Hair: off black on arms and legs
Eye: Brown
Piercings: left nostril piercing with a tiny stone nose ring, tongue piercing with a round gold tongue ring, belly piercing with a 2' long silver colored chain belly ring
Other Distinctive: wide smile, medium size full lips, breathes through her mouth keeping her mouth open most of the time, a slight over bite

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: 3/4 length spring jacket possibly navy blue maintenance style with the name Mike on it
Footwear: flat deck like canvas sneakers possibly black and white
Jewelry: a pearl necklace, thin hand made pattern design bracelet.
Accessories: small pocketbook worn across the shoulder with a long st strap


Bus: Greyhound bus (just from April 26-28, 2012 when traveli

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