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Jason John Yarnall Missing Person News and Details

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Jason John Yarnall Went Missing In Colonie New York in May 2012

Facial/case ID
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Last seen alive: May 15, 2012

Circumstances: Jason was last physically seen by a Comfort Inn staff member on Wolf Rd in Colonie, NY May 15, 2012. He was recently transferred to NY from Saugus, Massachusetts for a job position. Jason has been around both towns of Albany and Colonie, New York. May 28, 2012 was the last activity on his debit card made at a State Employees Credit Union ATM in Albany, NY more than probably at the Brueggers Bagel Shop which does not have cameras. (The other locations of the ATM's did not have footage of him attempting to use his card.) His family reported him as a missing person on May 30, 2012 after repeated attempts to contact and locate him. However, since there are no more funds he may not be attempting to use it anymore. Jason's cell phone was also recovered at SUNY Albany campus. While Jason is not a smoker, it is possible he could be spotted smoking a cigarette as he does have one on rare occasions. Jason is right handed, does not drink coffee so he may not be spotted at coffee shops, however he loves sports and likes to frequent sports bars to watch all sports. One of his favorite places that he frequented in Colonie, NY was the Recovery Bar & Grill. This is not in his nature to not make contact with family nor to leave his personal papers (birth certificate, etc.) in his vehicle. Jason's car was found abandoned, after he went missing by family, at the Towneplace Suites Marriot in Albany, New York, yet he had not been a guest there since early January when he first was transferred to his job. He would not just disappear and not talk with his family or friends. Jason is very outgoing, funny and loved by many. His family is extremely worried and ask the public to please come forward if you have seen Jason or have any information, nor matter how insignificant it may seem.
First Name: Jason John
Middle Name: John
Last Name: Yarnall


Age When Last Known Alive: 34
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 68.0
Weight: 155.0


City: Colonie
State: New York
County: Albany


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Dark Brown
Eye: Blue

Clothing and Accessories


Jason's car was found abandoned, after he went missing by family, at the Towneplace Suites Marriot in Albany, New York, yet he had not been a guest there since early January when he first was transferred to his job

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