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Nancy Jean Clavell Missing Person News and Details

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Nancy Jean Clavell Went Missing In Port Deposit Maryland in March 1984

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Nancy Clavell's High School graduation photo, taken about 2 years prior to her disappearance.


Last seen alive: March 04, 1984

Circumstances: Nancy Clavell and some friends were camping/cooking out in the area where the Octoraro Creek meets the Susquehanna River in Port Deposit, Cecil County, MD, on March 4, 1984. Accounts provided indicate that Nancy and her boyfriend, Ronald Reed Schroyer, went for a walk south along the shore. The two seperated. Schroyer returned to the campsite and indicated that Nancy continued walking south. Several hours later, she was reported missing.
First Name: Nancy Jean
Middle Name: Jean
Last Name: Clavell


Age When Last Known Alive: 20
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 66.0
Weight: 130.0


City: Port Deposit
State: Maryland
Zip: 21904
County: Cecil


Hair: Brown
Eye: Blue

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Blue jean jacket, blue jeans
Footwear: Brown hiking boots


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Recent Comments About This Profile
no nicknam: when was the last time the friends who were presesent that day reinterviewed, including the boyfriends family?
08 23, 2014 | 21:27
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