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Casey Clark Missing Person News and Details

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Casey Clark Went Missing In Hope Arkansas in March 2012

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: March 27, 2012 at 01:27

Circumstances: Subject gt up in the middle of night told girlfriend that he would be back left the residence, over in the morning hours approximately 0130 hours in the morning he placed a call to his mother in california tell her that he loved her and to take care of his daughter and that he was running down the Interstate. He hung the phoe up and has not been heard from since that time
First Name: Casey
Last Name: Clark


Age When Last Known Alive: 32
Race: Black/African Americ
Sex: Male
Height: 64.0 to
Weight: 160.0 to


City: Hope
State: Arkansas
Zip: 71801
County: Hempstead


Hair: Black
Head Hair: close shaven at the time. Been known to wear the hair longer
Body Hair: unknown
Facial Hair: unknown
Eye: Brown
Tattoos: upper left arm unknown what it is and also has one on the right arm

Clothing and Accessories


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