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Stephen M Howard Missing Person News and Details

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Stephen M Howard Went Missing In Vail Colorado in October 2011

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: October 28, 2011

Circumstances: Stephen Howard was to leave on a trip with his common law wife/girlfriend, the morning of she went to take a shower and when she came down Stephen was gone, not seen or heard from since.
First Name: Stephen M
Middle Name: M
Last Name: Howard


Age When Last Known Alive: 50
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Male
Height: 65.0 to
Weight: 180.0 to


City: Vail
State: Colorado
Zip: 81657
County: Eagle


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: full head of hair, long graying. 'Pony tail'
Eye: Green

Clothing and Accessories

Accessories: Backpack, computer, coats, shoes, and camping gear


Vehicle Make: Toyota
Vehicle Model: FJ Cruiser
Year: 2008
Style: SUV
Vehicle Color: White
Tag Number: 5147YM
Tag State: Colorado
Expiration Year: 2012
FJ Cruiser with multiple 'smokey the Bear' stickers
grenn painted metal rack on top of the vehilce, mounted ladder next to spare tire on the back of the vehicle

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