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Ruxie Dixon Suggs Missing Person News and Details

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Ruxie Dixon Suggs Went Missing In Greensboro North Carolina in September 2012

Facial/case ID
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Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: September 08, 2012

Circumstances: Ruzie Dixon Suggs, of Cobbside Dr., Burlington, was last seen around 5:30 p.m Saturday, 09/08/2012, on Lincoln Street in Greensboro. She was there to drop off a friend according to family members.

Cell phone records showed calls were attempted from an area between Clarksville and South Boston. A Senior Alert has been issued for a 90-year-old North Carolina woman, missing from Greensboro North Carolina. Virginia State Police have also issued a Senior Alert.

Ms. Suggs is described as an American Indian female, standing 5'6 and weighing about 100 pounds. She has brown eyes and gray hair. She was wearing a brown jacket and blue jeans.

Suggs may be driving a 2005 white Cadillac Deville, with North Carolina registration and license plates that read 'RUZIE1'. She may have a small brown dog with her.

Anyone with information about her whereabouts is asked to contact the Burlington Police Department at 336-239-3500.

First Name: Ruxie Dixon
Middle Name: Dixon
Last Name: Suggs


Age When Last Known Alive: 90
Race: Native American
Sex: Female
Height: 66.0
Weight: 100.0


City: Greensboro
State: North Carolina
County: Guilford


Hair: Gray or Partially Gray
Head Hair: Medium Lenght
Eye: Brown
Piercings: ears

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Brown Jacket & Blue Jeans


Vehicle Make: Cadillac
Vehicle Model: Deville
Year: 2005
Vehicle Color: White
Tag Number: RUZIE1
Tag State: North Carolina

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