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Allan T Kaplan Missing Person News and Details

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Allan T Kaplan Went Missing In Boynton Beach Florida in December 1977

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: December 08, 1977

Circumstances: Kaplan left the restaurant he owned on the late evening hours of December 8, 1977. He was later seen at a bar drinking with a female. There has been no contact with Kaplan since leaving the bar alone. His vehicle and clothing he was last seen wearing were found at this residence on December 12. His watch, wallet and personal articles one would carry were not at his apartment.Foul play has not been ruled out.
First Name: Allan T
Middle Name: T
Last Name: Kaplan


Age When Last Known Alive: 39
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 70.0
Weight: 190.0


City: Boynton Beach
State: Florida
Zip: 33426
County: Palm Beach


Hair: Black
Eye: Brown

Clothing and Accessories

Jewelry: wore two rings, one on each hand
Eyewear: glasses


Vehicle was left at this apartment

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