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Jarral Ray Osburn Missing Person News and Details

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Jarral Ray Osburn Went Missing In Sand Springs Oklahoma in August 2012


Last seen alive: August 28, 2012

Circumstances: was last seen in Owasso, Ok at 1735hrs buying sudafed with Justin Carter. The two went to go buy meth in Collinsville, Ok then Jarral took Justin home and dropped him off. A short while later Justin called Jarral because he left a pack of sudafed in the car. Jarral stated he would be right back and never showed up. Jarral's car was towed from 6500 N Cincinatti in tulsa because it was abandoned in the roadway. This location is 3 miles south of Justin's house and the car was facing north, as if he was going back. The car was repoted to be locked with no evidence of suspicion. Inspected car at impound lot and there was no evidence found. There has been no cell traffic on his phone since the 28th and no banking transactions since the 28th.
First Name: Jarral Ray
Middle Name: Ray
Last Name: Osburn


Age When Last Known Alive: 36
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 74.0
Weight: 220.0


City: Sand Springs
State: Oklahoma
Zip: 74063
County: Tulsa


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: short
Body Hair: unk
Facial Hair: unk
Eye: Green
Scars And Marks: Rt ankle scar from recent surgery, scar on chin,
Tattoos: Tattoo's: devil - left arm, lady - rt arm, devils - chest

Clothing and Accessories


Vehicle Make: Oldsmobile
Vehicle Model: Cutlass/Ciera
Year: 1994
Style: Sedan
Vehicle Color: Blue
Tag Type: Passenger autom
Tag Number: 557FXM
Tag State: Oklahoma

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